Find The Bliss

in Breastfeeding

Book a Lactation Consultation to learn to nourish and nurture your baby with ease.

Does this sound like you?

You have a beautiful baby at home and are navigating feeding your little one. You are committed to breastfeeding as much as possible but are overwhelmed with keeping a schedule and maintaining your supply while constantly wondering if you are doing it right.

You did the work to prep for this new postpartum phase but feel unequipped to handle the breastfeeding and pumping challenges that you didn’t know could arise. You think, “This is supposed to be natural; shouldn’t it just happen?” But something isn’t clicking as much as you want for you and your little one, and you aren't sure why.

What you really want...

Is to feel empowered and confident when feeding your new baby. You wish you had someone to turn to to ask questions about what is expected and what isn’t. Let alone learn what you should be doing and how you should be doing all of the things when it comes to breastfeeding. You want to know all the hacks to make sure your baby is being fed adequately while still finding peace in the process for yourself.

Which is why I offer...


Through virtual 1:1 consultations, we can address your feeding questions, concerns, and challenges head-on so you can find bliss in breastfeeding! We will dive into what is normal when feeding your little one and the many new milestones and behaviors you will face while nurturing them during this time. Each booking comes with a 60-minute consultation and a 30-minute follow-up so we can determine where you need support, create a new goal, and provide the education to meet it.

Quick Support, Lasting Transformation

Before the Consultation

  • You feel overwhelmed by managing your feeding schedule and wondering if your baby is getting enough to eat

  • You are worried about keeping your supply up and what you must do if you need to supplement or pump.

  • You are feeling frustrated that latching isn’t coming quickly or not sure how to manage the pain
  • You are nervous not knowing what is typical newborn behavior or what is actually concerning

After the Consultation

  • You will feel confident and prepared in this demanding but rewarding time of breastfeeding your new baby

  • You are equipped with tools for supply consistency & the knowledge of what to do if you have to pivot

  • You know new positions for easier latching tips and tricks to minimize pain so you can feed in peace.
  • You will learn the signs to understand what your baby needs and rest assured of identifying typical baby mannerisms.

Here is what we can cover...

  • Breastfeeding Education
  • Latching and Breastfeeding Positions
  • Feeding Schedules
  • Breastfeeding Supplies
  • Milk Supply Education
  • Pumping
  • Supplementing
  • Breastmilk Storage
  • Introducing a Bottle
  • Weaning
  • Newborn Feeding Behaviors
  • Managing Breastfeeding Challenges

Meet your new Lactation Consultant

Hey there, I am Kohle! I have over 20 years of combined experience in maternal health education, health coaching during pregnancy and postpartum, and I am an IBCLC. I am passionate about empowering you through all aspects of your parenting journey, including feeding your baby! In just one session, we can work through your challenges and worries in this new phase of life so that you can confidently care for and nourish your baby!

The Time is Now

Step One

Book your 1:1 lactation consultation and prepare your questions & concerns so that we can dive right in during our designated time together.

Step Two

We review your individualized needs in the consultation so that you are equipped with the knowledge and resources to confidently move forward.

Step Three

Post follow-up you are connected with your baby. You view feedings as your special time together and love that you can easily provide for your little one.

The Time is Now

There is no need to spend another day stressing or worrying about how feeding your baby is going. You are capable of nourishing your baby with ease, confidence, and happiness, but you need the right tools and plan to do just that! You can get the answers and support you need in as little as an hour session with an added follow-up bonus to ensure your feeding goals are met. Book your customizable lactation consultation today to get started on a more blissful path forward in breastfeeding your little one!

Snag my Free Breastfeeding Checklist!

Download my Breastfeeding Successful Start Checklist to get a comprehensive list of the items you need to seamlessly begin your breastfeeding journey!

Looking for long term support?

If one hour doesn’t seem long enough or you realize you need more help than just feedings, I also offer 1:1 Pregnancy & Postpartum Coaching! Over four months, we will work together to address all your concerns & goals for the end of your pregnancy and the start of your new mama phase so you can feel confident to tackle any new challenge that comes your way. We will prioritize taking care of yourself first so you can show up as the best version of yourself for your baby, giving you the tools to advocate for yourself and your little one at every turn. To learn more about how I can provide long-term support and guidance in this new phase of life, click the button below!

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